Are you thriving?

Do you know the average person lies up to 4 times a day? His or her most common lie is “I’m fine”…

But are you? Are you really?

We all lead increasingly busy lives as a result of juggling personal, professional and financial commitments.

Hyper-driven, hyper-connected, overwhelmed, we all need some time to breathe and to re-focus on what really matters. Working From Home can make it even more challenging to maintain a clear boundary between your work and personal life. As these spaces blur, the stakes get higher, impacting your health, focus, and overall well-being.

Ready to reset? Join our online WFH Health & Space Coaching programme today!

At times, we push ourselves to cope with the extreme, overlooking not just our state of health, but our state of mind and overall wellbeing. Despite small signs of imbalance creeping up, we just keep going, until every day begins to feel like another mountain to climb.

Our eating and drinking habits, but also physical exercise, sleep and time to recharge all play a big part in the body homeostasis, the state of optimal functioning for our organism.

Wellbeing starts with health but far too often, we take our health for granted, and run on empty. We may feel things are not quite right, out of balance. We know we are not getting enough sleep, are skipping meals, eating on the go and swapping freshly prepared meals for speed and convenience at the end of a draining day. We then get used to an unbalanced, unproductive, unfulfilling lifestyle. The “not quite right” becomes the new normal.

Our body is an amazing temple hosting incredible vital organs. These organs accomplish extremely complex operations, processing anything we throw at them, via our digestive track, respiratory system or skin, of which aim is partly to defend us against toxicity, regular bugs invasions and other poor treatment we inflict on these systems to ensure we can function 24/7.

But health is not the only variable here. Have you heard of the expression “Genes load the gun, and environment pulls the trigger?” The spaces we inhabit have a huge impact on the way we feel and interact with others. Forms, colours, lighting, textures, sounds, scents, patterns, greenery (or the lack of it), water, scale even, will trigger specific physiological and psychological reactions which will impact our behaviour.

Wellbeing is a state of mind; health and comfort are part and parcel of your wellbeing.

Our Services

  • WFH Health & Space Coaching

    Helping you create a healthier lifestyle and an organised working environment that nurtures your overall wellbeing, from the inside out.

  • Neuro-Inclusive Interior Design

    Personalised home design solutions that cater to your unique needs, creating an environment to help unlock your full potential and foster growth.